Proposals for Creating New Machinery for Promoting Deregulation to Prepare for the 21st Century

Deregulation Agenda for Different Regulatory Fields

  1. Land and Housing
    1. Utilization of underused land by relaxing the Act concerning the Industry Restriction in the Built-up Area of the Metropolitan regions (Koujoutou-seigen-hou) and the Real Estate Syndication Act (Fudousan-tokutei-kyoudou-jigyou-hou), and deregulation to encourage effective utilization of land
    2. Rationalization of regulations, such as the relaxation of the regulation of the rate of building volume to lot and the regulation of the sun-shadow-hour ratio, to encourage urban redevelopment
    3. Modification of the development guidelines that impose excessive financial burden on development
    4. Harmonization of the Building Standards Act (Kenchiku-kijun-hou) with international standards to facilitate the introduction of new technology
    5. Changes of the system of prior notification of land transactions to one of post-factum reporting

  2. Telecommunications
    1. Sweeping amendment of the telecommunications business-related legal system, all to further stimulate competition, such as revision of the regulation of rates and contract clauses, revision of the regulation of services, revision of the commission approval system, replacement of the classifications of business (Type I and II), and abolition of the KDD Law.
    2. Revision of the system aimed at integrating telecommunications and broadcasting, such as the rules relating to services that lie between telecommunications and broadcasting
    3. Revision of the technical standards relating to telecommunications terminal equipment and certain wireless facilities, and simplification of the procedures for recognizing and certifying conformity to the technical standards

  3. Distribution
    1. Phasing-out of the Large-Scale Retail Store Law (Daiten-hou) and establishment of a new policy for developing small to medium-size retail stores
    2. Relaxation of the regulation restricting the entry of new participants into the market with the aim at adjusting the supply and demand, and the qualifications requirement that in effect restricts the entry of new participants

  4. Agriculture
    1. Permission of farmland ownership by joint-stock corporations
    2. Looser application of the Food Staple Law (liberalization of the production and distribution of rice)
    3. Abolition of the agricultural product price-stabilization policy (wheat, sugar beets and cane, pork and milk used for processing)

  5. Transportation
    1. Promotion of deregulation designed to improve the efficiency of road transportation, including a revision of the automobile inspection system
    2. Revision of the regulation relating to the port and harbor forwarding business
    3. Revision of the tonnage adjustment business and tariff agreements implemented in the coastal shipping industry
    4. Abolition of the regulation of entry of new participants in the domestic air transportation market and that of airfares

  6. Energy
    1. Revision of the regulation in a way to further cut energy costs

  7. Environment and Waste
    1. Deregulation to encourage recycling of resources
    2. Revision of the regulation dividing general waste and industrial waste

  8. Safety
    1. Changes of the existing specification standards to those based on performance to harmonize them with international standards
    2. Coordination of the four safety laws (the High-Pressure Gas Safety Law, the Fire Service Law, the Labor Safety and Sanitation Law, and the Disaster Prevention Law for Oil Refinery Complexes)

  9. Social Security
    1. Introduction of a drug pricing system based on market reality, and unhampered entry of private enterprises in the medicare market
    2. Unhampered entry of private enterprises into the old-age nursing service, and introduction of the voucher system
    3. Free design and management of corporate pension care service for aged people, and rectification of disparity of tax treatment among different pension schemes

  10. Business Laws
    1. A sweeping revision of the Land and Building Lease Law, including the creation of a term lease right

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