[Index] [Introduction] [Japan's Future] [Policy Agenda] [Action 21] [Reference]

An Attractive Japan

Envisioning Japan's Future

Basic Ideals of a Dynamic Global State

The existing socioeconomic system, which was designed to help Japan develop economically and overtake the industrial countries in a process that began in the Meiji era (1868-1912), is now reaching the limit of its effectiveness and has even become an impediment to further progress. If Japan is to regain its identity and sense of direction, its business community should take the lead in suggesting the path the country needs to follow. And it must see that Japan moves in this direction with the understanding and cooperation of the people.

With this in mind, Keidanren has decided to unveil to people at home and overseas its own vision of how Japan can be built into a dynamic global state that accords maximum respect to the uninhibited ingenuity and vitality of the people and that conducts itself responsibly from the global perspective.

The basic aim of the vision is to create a truly affluent and animated civil society at home and establish a state that contributes to global peace and prosperity on the external front, thereby turning Japan into a dynamic global state that has the trust and respect of the world.

A truly affluent and animated civil society

A truly affluent and animated civil society should be premised on the self-responsibility of the individual and observance of a moral code. It must institutionally guarantee the right of its members to act as free and equal citizens, and it must offer abundant opportunities for such action. It needs to be a society that transcends regulations and dependence on the bureaucracy and has a transparent, small, and efficient government, abiding by the principles of transferring authority from the public sector to the private and the center to the regions. This is a society whose members see themselves as being materially and spiritually rich, and it should be seen by the world as society that offers not just attractive business opportunities to many people but also a desirable place to live and study.

A state that contributes to global peace and prosperity

A state that contributes to global peace and prosperity should be premised on such ideals as freedom, democracy, human rights, environmental preservation, and a liberal economy. It must convey clearly to people at home and abroad the areas where it intends to perform international duties, and it must steadily perform those duties. This state must constructively participate in the realization of global peace and a prosperous international community, and it must cooperate to the maximum extent in international peace-keeping activities. In Japan's case, contributions to the world should focus on the three areas of economic cooperation, the environment, and science and technology.

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