Chairman Mitarai's comment at his press conference

December 11, 2006

Following is the gist of remarks made by Chairman Mitarai at his Press Conference. Translation is rush and tentative, and sequence of the gist does not necessarily coincide with words delivered.

(Asked on decision in cabinet on broader use of road tax revenues)

It is a right decision. The government is going to start discussion on the law revision in March 2008 when tentative gasoline tax rate comes out of force. It takes time for national consensus building on key issues such as use of road-related tax revenues. Accountability should not be neglected in the process.

(Asked on the tax reform)

It is good to see the removal of the limit on depreciation of corporate fixed assets is taking shape. It is the global trend and we live in there. The effective corporate tax rate should be lowered to enhance the international competitiveness of Japanese companies on an equal footing with foreign competitors.

(Asked on the Japan-Australia EPA)

The negotiations toward conclusion of the Japan-Australia EPA should be continued with patience. Necessary reform for making the Japanese agriculture tougher should be implemented in the process.

(Asked on the "Shunto")

Each one of the Japanese companies should decide how much it pays the employees thinking about how to survive global competition. The days of pay raise across the board unrelated to productivity and sales performance are gone.

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