Chairman Mitarai's comment at his press conference

April 23, 2007

Following is the gist of remarks made by Chairman Mitarai at his Press Conference. Translation is rush and tentative, and sequence of the gist does not necessarily coincide with words delivered.

( Asked on the result of the House of Councilors by-elections on April 22 )

The opposition Democratic Party of Japan has lost one seat that belonged to them before the election. It has made the ruling coalition the winner, giving them a position of vantage in coming Upper House race.

( Asked on the current situation and outlook of the Japanese economy )

The economic recovery continues at a slow tempo. Later this year business gets back its momentum and ensures more than 2% annual growth rate.

( Asked on Keidanren delegation to Arabian countries )

More than 170 Japanese business people are going to talk with the leaders of Middle East countries over not only energy issue but also possible collaboration in various fields of industry to develop the mutual beneficial economic relations.

( Asked on the US-Japan relations )

The United States and Japan are not allowed to sit back and relax in the current good relations. The two countries can and should move on to the next stage of partnership. Post-Kyoto global warming control framework building with strong initiative of the two countries and the US-Japan economic partnership agreement are not dream. This week summit meeting can prove it.

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