[ Nippon Keidanren ] [ Policy ]
Provisional Translation
A Successful Hong Kong Ministerial Conference
Can Still Save the Doha Development Agenda
-- Political Leadership Needed from All WTO Members --
September 20, 2005
Nippon Keidanren
( Japan Business Federation )
- Background
The Doha Development Agenda is at a crisis point
A sense of crisis is deepening throughout the international business community
WTO Members must make political decisions to successfully conclude DDA negotiations
- Benefits of the WTO
- Key areas of negotiation
(i) Agriculture
(ii) Non-agricultural market access (industrial products, etc.)
(iii) Trade in services
(iv) Trade facilitation
(v) Rules
(vi) Development (special consideration for developing countries)
- Conclusion
- Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA)
(1) Formula to be used for tariff reduction
(2) Sectoral approach
(3) Non-tariff barriers
(4) Other considerations
- Trade in Services
(1) Rules
(2) Most favored nation (MFN) treatment exemptions
(3) Request-and-offer negotiations
- E-Commerce
- Trade Facilitation
- Antidumping
- Development (Special Consideration for Developing Countries)
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