(Tentative Translation)
June 17, 1997
Keidanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations)
Recognizing the importance of the MAI, Keidanren issued a policy statement entitled "The Environment for International Investment and Japan - Views on the MAI Negotiations" in April of 1996 for the purpose of reflecting the opinions of the Japanese business community in the MAI negotiations. Following the developments in the negotiations in the OECD during the last year, we have revised the statement with our estimation of the results to date and our requests relating to future negotiations.
Furthermore, while the MAI offers an important framework to facilitate international investment, more effort is needed by individual countries to create a better investment environment and to promote inward and outward investment flows. It is important particularly for Japan, in order to enhance the inward flow of foreign investment, to further abolish and relax regulations and to reduce the high cost of doing business there, through, for example, reduction of corporate tax by far the heaviest in the OECD countries.