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Messages from Keidanren Executives and Contributed articles to Keidanren Journals May, 2019 Cybersecurity is a management issue

Hiromichi SHINOHARA Vice Chair of the Board of Councillors, Keidanren
Chairman of the Board, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation

These days, cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated and complicated. Moreover, the targets of attacks have been expanded from information systems to control systems and critical infrastructure. The threat of cyberattacks has entered a new phase. From the viewpoint of ensuring business continuity and preventing a loss of reliability, it is 'important management issues' for all companies to strive to ensure cyber security.

There is no "absolute defense" against cyberattacks. Generally, multilayered defense is important, but no matter how strong cyber security is, the attackers intrude through a small gap. Therefore, planning and management are essential to minimize its impact when cyberattacks occurs. First of all, managers have to identify what is to be protected and what the situation is. Secondly, the essence of minimizing damage is to control behavior. In other words, it is most important to clarify how all employees should act and train how all employees should act in the event of an emergency.

In addition, systems personnel are also defending against evolving attacks on a daily basis and enhancing this field strength is important to ensure cybersecurity. Managers are required to identify issues and problems at the site, prepare resources to resolve them, and support activities.

Cyberattacks are not an issue that can be addressed by a single company, as networks are spread seamlessly between companies and industries. High levels of cybersecurity can be achieved by sharing local knowledge and best practices across the supply chain, business partners and industries, and working together to combat attackers.

There are less than 500 days until the opening of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games. there is no doubt that cyberattacks will intensify to the global events. In the remaining period before the opening of the special events, we need to make by far efforts to secure cybersecurity with a sense of crisis ourselves.
