April 19, 2011
Nippon Keidanren
( Japan Business Federation )
[ Outline ]
[ Proposal ]
1. Basic Approach to Trade Strategy
(1) Current Situation and Challenges: The Urgent Need to Reformulate Japan's Trade Strategy
(2) The Focus of Trade Policy: Creation of Smooth Global Supply Chains
(3) The Trade Strategy Japan Should Promote
2. Expansion and Improvement of WTO Rules
(1) Conclusion of the Doha Round Within This Year
(2) Expansion and Improvement of Rules (Post-Doha Round Issues)
(3) Promoting Membership of the Agreement on Government Procurement
- 1) Disciplines concerning export restrictions on resources and foods
- 2) Investment
- 3) Electronic commerce
- 4) Others
(4) Promotion of WTO Membership
3. Extending the Reach of EPA Rules
(1) Participation in the TPP
(2) Promotion of ASEAN+6
(3) Conclusion of an EIA with the EU
4. Improvement of the Systemic Framework to Supplement the WTO and EPAs
(1) Improvement of Legal Framework for Investmen
- 1) Expansion and enhancement of investment treaties
- 2) Expansion of the tax treaty network and improvement of existing tax treaties
- 3) Promotion of conclusion of social security agreements
- (2) Expansion of International Rules and Cooperation on Measures Against Counterfeit and Pirated Goods
(3) Restructuring the Export Control System
(4) Reconciling Facilitation of Trade with Security
(5) Compatibility of Corporate Social Responsibility with Smooth Supply Chains
5. Promotion of Domestic Reforms to Withstand Growing Global Competition
[ Appendix ]
Goals to Be Realized through the TPP
Excerpt from Appendix to Proposals for Japan's Trade Strategy