May 2021
B7 Summit 2021 Joint Statement
- Introduction
- Chapters
- A global recovery is dependent on global vaccination
- Restarting international mobility
- The road f rom crisis to recovery
- A competitive agenda for business to drive inclusive economic recovery
- A rebirth of the global trading system
- Tackling climate change and protecting the natural world
- Showing global digital leadership
- Seizing the moment
- B7 recommendations:
Governments and business driving recovery and change - Annex: B7 Policy Paper Recommendations
B7 Trade Statement
Principles and recommendations for G7 Trade Ministers
- Introduction
- Revitalising and refocusing the World Trade Organisation
- Combatting protectionism including in health
- Reorienting trade policy in favour of low carbon goods and services
- Building resilience and opportunities for SMEs
B7 Digital Statement
Principles and recommendations for G7 Digital Ministers
- Introduction
- Resilient network infrastructure through a diverse supply chain
- Free data flows, supported by data protection standards the public trust
(‘data free flow with trust’) - The strongest safeguards to keep public institutions, citizens, and businesses cybersecure
- A stable regulatory environment which promotes innovation, investment, and competition, while supporting democratic values
- Widespread alignment and adoption of tools to digitise trade and make it frictionless
B7 Climate and Biodiversity Statement
Principles and recommendations for G7 Climate Ministers
- Introduction
- The business climate ambition
- Action f rom governments
- The enablers for business action