- Council on COVID-19
- Recruitment and Selection Taking Account of COVID-19 Responses
- State of Emergency Declaration
- Emergency Economic Measures
- Preventing COVID-19 Infection
Council on COVID-19
Keidanren will establish a council to discuss analysis of the economic and financial situation caused by the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) infections and responses required to this challenge. I will chair the Council on COVID-19, and its membership will include the chairman of the Board of Councillors as well as Keidanren and Board of Councillors vice-chairs.
Recruitment and Selection Taking Account of COVID-19 Responses
Unease over job-hunting activities is growing among students as the spread of COVID-19 causes postponement of recruitment seminars. To address these concerns, today I issued a request to Keidanren member companies and organizations regarding recruitment and selection activities that take account of COVID-19 responses. Keidanren is firmly committed to preventing the creation of a second generation suffering an "employment ice age," and I have asked companies to proactively provide students with accurate information regarding recruitment activities.
State of Emergency Declaration
Before long Japan is likely to find itself in the same situation as other countries. If a state of emergency is declared, the public and private sectors will work even harder together to ensure that every possible measure is put in place. I recognize that this decision will be taken to maintain medical services. Global normality will not be restored until vaccines and therapeutic drugs are developed. Since long-term strategy can be anticipated, it will be necessary to set out certain guidelines on work essential to the functioning of society while continuing to monitor the situation.
Emergency Economic Measures
The tourism and travel industries have been particularly hard-hit, but markets as a whole have cooled sharply, and deep shadows loom over demand. The economic impacts may be severe. Specific measures will be required to provide appropriate economic assistance at the right times according to circumstances. Such measures must be taken simultaneously for three phases: short, medium, and long term. What is required in the short term is swift aid for severely affected employees and businesses. This will only be effective if drastic steps are taken and the aid reaches the places where it will do the most good. While I understand the need for fairness, we should avoid creating delays by attaching too many conditions. In the medium term, we need to prepare for restoring the potential growth rate once the pandemic is over. In the long term, investment for the future needs to be accelerated through digital transformation.
Preventing COVID-19 Infection
Rigorous measures to prevent infection are required, based on a full understanding of COVID-19 pathology. COVID-19 spreads chiefly via droplets and contact, and since there is also a risk of asymptomatic infection, steps have been taken to introduce telework and ensure social distancing. It will be vital to thoroughly and repeatedly publicize key precautions to everyone, including young people.