Energy, and global warming
The Japanese government is discussing its new energy mix and reduction target for greenhouse gas emissions in connection with measures against global warming towards the COP 21 (the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) at the end of this year. In these circumstances, Keidanren has compiled three related proposals today.
The first proposal is an action plan for a low-carbon society toward 2030 which was compiled with the cooperation of 51 industry sectors as a world-spearheading undertaking by the Japanese business community. Based on this plan, the business community will independently and proactively endeavor to resolve the issue of global warming.
The second is a proposal concerning the country's energy mix. Keidanren believes the proportion of base-load electric power sources that enable inexpensive and stable power generation should be 60%, as in Europe and the United States. We will make efforts so that this figure will be reflected in the government's consideration of the energy mix.
The third is a proposal concerning measures against global warming. We ask that Japan's 2030 target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions take the energy mix into consideration as well as ensure international fairness, feasibility and the appropriateness of public burden sharing. In addition, resolving the climate change issue needs to be tackled on a global scale and in the long term, therefore reductions in other countries and the development of innovative technologies are also important, so the government should also consider these points as a package in drafting its Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC).
Wage increases
To continue the virtuous circle of the Japanese economy into the second round, it is necessary to create an environment conducive to wage increases at leading second-tier firms and small and medium-sized enterprises as well as in the service industry. Keidanren has also pointed out the importance of optimizing transactions between major companies and smaller ones in this year's management and labor policy committee report and is making efforts to make this known to Keidanren’s member firms. In this connection, we will continue to publicize the matter among companies in various parts of the country, using opportunities such as Keidanren meetings and regional economic discussions as well as conducting publicity activities through official journals and publications.
Mission to Indonesia
As the economic integration of ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) progresses, the importance of Indonesia, which is rich in natural and human resources, is rising not only as a consumer market but also as a supply chain base for the manufacturing industry. The policy priority areas put forward by the Indonesian government -- construction of high-quality infrastructure, attraction of investment from foreign companies, export expansion, regional development and ocean-oriented nation-building -- are particularly important themes. Japan's business community will contribute to further deepening economic relations between the two countries through proactive involvement in these areas.