- Recommencing Economic Activity
- "My Number" Personal ID System
- Honebuto Policy 2020 and Growth Strategy
- Suspension of Nonimmigrant Visas by the United States
- Black Lives Matter
Recommencing Economic Activity
The novel coronavirus infectious disease (COVID-19) has in no way yet been beaten, and we are now engaged in the difficult challenge of recommencing economic activity while also anticipating increases in the number of new cases. We must continue to go about our daily lives with caution, while thoroughly pursuing measures such as avoiding the Three Cs (closed spaces with poor ventilation, crowded places, and close-contact settings such as close-range conversations), handwashing, wearing masks, and staggered commuting.
Restrictions on travel into and out of Japan should be relaxed in stages, while paying attention to the state of infections in the other countries and the measures those countries are taking to prevent transmission of the virus. We ask the government to provide clear indications of concrete measures and procedures to enable people to travel with an assurance of safety.
"My Number" Personal ID System
From the perspective of the smooth introduction of the My Number system, various constraints have been placed on the system, such as limiting the use of personal ID numbers to certain government administrative processes. The fact is that the general public has concerns about the use of their personal numbers, and it is difficult to predict what should be done to make the system function well. From next year, the plan is that people will also be able to use their My Number card as a health insurance card, and there has also been talk in recent times of making it possible to use it as a driver's license. Having one number for each person is the natural approach from a system design perspective. We want the government to establish the philosophy of the My Number system as the foundations of a digital society and to design a system that offers greater convenience from the standpoint of its users.
Honebuto Policy 2020 and Growth Strategy
COVID-19 countermeasures and responses to the challenges that the pandemic has presented are the main pillars of the Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform (Honebuto Policy) 2020. Regarding growth strategy, debate will include energy and environmental issues, with the Council on Investments for the Future playing a central role.
Suspension of Nonimmigrant Visas by the United States
This is causing major problems for companies' business operations. If Japanese companies are unable to send managers who are essential to their American operations to the United States, this will have a detrimental impact on investment in the United States and, in turn, jobs for Americans. We have made strong requests to both the Japanese and US governments to improve this situation. The issuance of nonimmigrant visas is not causing an increase in unemployment in the United States; on the contrary, we are concerned that restricting the issuance of such visas has the potential to delay the restoration of the US economy. This view is shared by both Japanese and American businesses. We will continue to press this point persistently on the Japanese and US governments and demand that it be redressed.
Black Lives Matter
COVID-19 has highlighted deep-rooted problems in American society. American companies are protesting racial discrimination and providing support for groups that have been subjected to discrimination. Japanese companies place human rights and diversity at the foundation of their management, and they will continue to contribute to the stable development of American society.