Keidanren, the University of Tokyo, and the GPIF published the joint research report "The Evolution of ESG Investment, Realization of Society 5.0, and Achievement of SDGs" and declared that they will implement "the action plan to realize Society 5.0 for SDGs."
The Evolution of ESG Investment, Realization of Society 5.0, and Achievement of SDGs

Executive Summary
- Purpose
- Overview
- Chapter 1: Background of the Study
- Chapter 2: Current Status of the Understanding of Society 5.0 and Measures to Improve It
- Chapter 3: Economic and Social Impacts
- Chapter 4: Direction of Information Disclosure by Companies Promoting Society 5.0
- Chapter 5: Improvement of the Investment Environment
- Conclusion
- Action plan of Keidanren, University of Tokyo, and the GPIF to realize Society 5.0 for SDGs