Executives' Comments Press Conferences
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* The Ruling Bloc's Tax Reform Guidelines for FY 2025
* Nissan—Honda Merger
* Meeting with Prime Minister Ishiba
* This Year's Chinese Character -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Future Design 2040
* The Situation in South Korea
* The Next NDC
* The Minimum Wage
* Wage Hikes by SMEs
* Political Funding -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Views Exchanged at the Meeting between Government, Management, and Labor Representatives
* Tariff Hikes by US President-elect Donald Trump
* Resumption of Visa Exemptions for Short-term Visits to China
* Comprehensive Economic Measures
* The Annual Income Barrier
* Political Funding
* Monetary Policy -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* The Minimum Wage
* General Election for Seats in the Lower House
* Policy on Nuclear Power
* Extended Trading Hours at the Tokyo Stock Exchange
* The Exchange Rate -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Views on Closer Cooperation with the Political Establishment; Policy Evaluation of the Major Political Parties
* The Ishiba Administration
* The Situation in the Middle East -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Torrential Rains and Flooding in the Noto Region
* Regulations Governing Layoffs
* Killing of Japanese Schoolboy in China
* China's Complete Ban on Japanese Seafood Imports
* Election of New Constitutional Democratic Party President
* Nippon Steel
* Spring Labor—Management Negotiations
* Emissions Scandal Involving Toyota Motor Corp. and Toyota Industries Corp.
* JR East Data Tampering Misconduct -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* The Kishida Administration
* LDP Presidential Election
* Representative Election for the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan
* Nippon Steel Corporation
* Osaka-Kansai Expo
* Foreign Exchange Rate
* Seven & i Holdings Co. -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Tokyo Gubernatorial Election
* Nikkei Stock Average
* Real Wages
* The Green Transformation (GX)
* Corporate Scandals -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Politics
* The Exchange Rate
* The Minimum Wage
* Choice of Separate Surnames for Married Couples
* Utility Bill Subsidies -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Wage Increases
* Fixed Tax Cut
* Increase in Long-term Interest Rate
* Protectionism
* China's Suspension of Registrations of Facilities Used by Japanese Seafood Exporters
* US Presidential Election
* Political Funding
* Nissan Motor -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Revisions to the Charter of Corporate Behavior
* The Exchange Rate
* Politics and Money
* Remarks by US President Biden -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* The Exchange Rate
* Osaka-Kansai Expo
* The Political Funds Control Act
* Resumption of Vehicle Production and Shipments by Daihatsu Motor Co., Ltd.
* Action to Regulate Tech Giants -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Monetary Policy
* Real Wages
* Ride-hailing Services in Japan
* LDP Ethics Committee
* Japan—U.S. Summit
* Eastern Taiwan Earthquake
* Kobayashi Pharmaceutical -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Exchange Rate
* The 2024 Problem
* Wage Increases
* Kobayashi Pharmaceutical
* Nippon Steel -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Appointment of Keidanren Vice Chairs and Board of Councillors Vice Chairs
* Monetary Policy
* Wage Increases
* Great East Japan Earthquake
* Creative Economy
* Former Workers from the Korean Peninsula -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Nikkei Average
* Fiscal Consolidation
* Wage Increases
* Recruitment Activities
* Support for Ukraine
* Political Funding
* Osaka-Kansai Expo -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* National Finances
* Child and Childcare Support Allowances
* Nikkei Average
* Optional Separate Surnames for Married Couples
* Political Funding
* Employment of Older Persons
* Support for Ukraine
* Irregularities at Daihatsu
* Osaka-Kansai Expo -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Joint Delegation to China with the Japan-China Economic Association
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* Monetary Policy
* Political Reform Headquarters
* The Toyota Industries Corporation Certification Irregularities
* Osaka-Kansai Expo -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake
* 2024 Report of the Special Committee on Management and Labor Policy
* Economic Trends in Japan
* Business Summit with FKI
* Political Fundraiser Scandal
* Osaka-Kansai Expo -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Evaluation of Major Political Parties' Policies
* Economic Measures
* The State of Affairs in the Middle East
* Osaka-Kansai Expo
* Sapporo Winter Olympics and Paralympics
* Proposed Amendment to Saitama Prefecture's Ordinance on Child Abuse Prevention
* In Relation to Johnny & Associates -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Cabinet Reshuffle
* Economic Measures
* Tax Reform Proposal
* Sexual Assault Cases Against Johnny & Associates
* Fraudulent Insurance Claims by Bigmotor -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Supporting Consumption of Domestic Marine Products
* Discharge of ALPS Treated Water into the Sea
* Measures to Ease Energy Price Volatility
* Minimum Wage
* Business Mission to China
* Strike at Sogo and Seibu Department Stores -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai
* Wage Increases
* China's Export Controls on Semiconductor Materials
* IAEA Report
* Japan-Korea and Korea-Japan Future Partnership Funds -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Extension of Cooperative Production Cuts by OPEC Plus
* Measures to Address Birth Rate Decline
* Nikkei Average
* Gender Equality
* Foreign Workers -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference Following the Keidanren Regular General Meeting
* Politics and Business
* Diversity of Member Companies
* Japan-Korea Economic Committee
* Population Decline, Falling Birth Rate, and Aging Society -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Appointment of Keidanren Vice Chairs
* Wage Increases
* Government-Labor-Management Talks
* Appointment of BoJ Governor
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* 2023 Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* 211th Ordinary Diet Session
* Growth-oriented Carbon Pricing -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* 2023 Report of the Special Committee on Management and Labor Policy
* Measures to Address Birth Rate Decline -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Looking Back on 2022
* Bank of Japan Monetary Policy
* Revenue Sources for Increased Defense Spending
* Takeshi Niinami, Next Chairman of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives)
* Kanji for the Year -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Expectations for the Kishida Administration
* Exchange Rates
* Revenue Sources for Increased Defense Spending
* Nuclear Power Policy
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* Promoting the Smooth Flow of Labor
* China's Zero-COVID Policy -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Response to the Eighth Wave of the Covid-19 Pandemic
* Expectations on the political authorities
* Revenue sources for increased defense spending -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Labor-Management Negotiations in Spring 2023
* Recruitment of Experienced Workers
* Promote Labor Mobility
* Revenue Sources for Increasing Defense Spending
* Mileage-based Taxation -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Exchange Rates
* Easing the Burden of City Gas Supply Charges
* Sources of Revenue for Defense Spending
* China-Taiwan Relations -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Bank of Japan Tankan (Short-Term Economic Survey) September 2022
* Exchange Rates
* Comprehensive Economic Policy (tentative title)
* Sources of Revenue for Defense Spending
* Evaluation of Kishida Administration's First Year/Views on Promoting Partnership between Business and Politics and Evaluation of Major Parties' Policies 2022
* 2030 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Consumer Prices and Exchange Rates
* Easing of Border Measures
* Salary Payments in Digital Money
* 50th Anniversary of Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and China -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Nuclear Power Policy
* Exchange Rate
* Internal Reserves
* Easing of Border Measures
* 50th Anniversary of Normalization of Diplomatic Relations with China
* State Funeral for Former Prime Minister Abe
* Keidanren's Committee on Mobility
* Other Matters -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Passing of Former Prime Minister Abe
* Achievements of the Abe Administration
* House of Councillors Election Results
* Role of Nuclear Power Generation in Energy Policy
* Easing of Border Measures
* Visit to South Korea -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* House of Councillors Election
* Reiwa Rincho (Provisional Commission for Administrative Reform)
* Supreme Court Ruling on Class Action Over Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Accident
* Bank of Japan Monetary Policy
* Measures to Control Commodity Prices
* Organization under Prime Minister's Direct Jurisdiction
* World Refugee Day (June 20)
* Utilizing Foreign Human Resources
* Telework, Workstyle Reform -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Basic Policy on Economic and Fiscal Management and Reform 2022 (Basic Policy)
* Grand Design and Implementation Plan for New Capitalism
* Price Rises and Wage Increases
* "Go To Travel" Campaign
* Resumption of Private-sector Economic Diplomacy
* Economic Exchange with South Korea -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference Following the Keidanren Regular General Meeting
* Aspirations for Second Year as Keidanren Chairman
* New Committee Action Plans
* Causes of Low Economic Growth in Japan
* Energy Situation in Japan
* Border Measures -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Japan-US Leaders' Summit
* Japan's Defense Capabilities
* Green Transformation Bonds (tentative name)
* Revision of Ministerial Ordinance for Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace (Mandatory Disclosure of Gender Wage Gaps)
* Reopening to Foreign Tourists
* Thoughts on China
* Merger of Keidanren and Nikkeiren: 20th Anniversary -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
* Continuing Yen Depreciation
* Easing of Covid-19 Border Measures
* Quality Fraud in the Manufacturing Industry
* Corporate Recruitment Policy and Human Rights, Diversity -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Ongoing Yen Depreciation
* Impact of High Resource and Food Prices
* Emergency Economic Measures
* Chinese Economy
* COVID-19 Vaccines
* New Types of Internships
* Merger of Keidanren and Nikkeiren -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Open the Door to Society 5.0 — Recommendation to the Digital Extraordinary Administrative Advisory Committee
* Japan's Economy
* Foreign Exchange Rates
* Tokyo Stock Exchange's New Market Structure
* Easing of COVID-19 Border Measures
* Sakhalin Project
* Evaluation of Six Months of the Kishida Cabinet
* 2030 Winter Olympics and Paralympics -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Lifting of Priority Preventive Measures
* Ongoing Yen Depreciation
* Power Supply Crunch
* Wage Increases
* Peace Treaty Negotiations with Russia -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Appointment of Chair and Vice Chairs of the Board of Councillors
* Proposal Regarding COVID-19
* COVID-19 Countermeasures
* Ukraine Situation
* Eleventh Anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* COVID-19 Countermeasures
* Economic Security Bill
* Deliberation of FY2022 Draft Budget
* Ukraine Situation
* Olympics and Paralympics -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Appointment of Keidanren Vice Chairs
* COVID-19 Infections
* Economic Security Bill
* Ukraine Situation -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Response to Rapid Spread of COVID-19 Infections
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* Ensuring Appropriate Transactions
* Items for Disclosure in Financial Statements
* Japan-U.S. Leaders' Summit
* Relations with China
* Ukraine Situation
* Merger of Keidanren and Nikkeiren -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Response to Rapid Spread of COVID-19 Infections
* Impact of COVID-19 Infection Spread on the Global Economy
* Examining Business Continuity Plans -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* FY2021 Supplementary Budget
* Special Benefit for Supporting Families with Children
* FY2022 Tax Reforms
* Declaration of Partnership Building
* Response to the Omicron Variant of COVID-19
* Corporate Efforts on Human Rights
* Enactment of U.S. Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
* Diplomatic Boycott of the Beijing Olympics
* Japan-China CEO Summit
* South Korea's Application to Join the CPTPP
* This Year's Kanji -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Wage Increases
* The Japanese Economy
* Tax and Fiscal Reform
* Human Rights Issues -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic package and Restoration of Fiscal Health
* Employment Mobility
* Spiraling Crude Oil Prices
* Wage Increase
* The Role of Nuclear Power in the Energy Mix
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Keidanren Carbon Neutrality Action Plan
* Proposal: Towards Continuity of Social and Economic Activity Balanced with COVID-19 Countermeasures
* Promoting Inbound Tourism
* Re-start of the "Go To Travel" Campaign
* Revision of 70% Target for Reduction in Commuting
* Women's Active Participation in the Workforce and Men's Share of Housework -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Council for Realizing New Capitalism
* Restoring Fiscal Health
* Rising Crude Oil Prices
* Financial Income Taxation
* Quarterly Disclosure
* Wage Increases
* Business and Human Rights
* TSMC's Construction of a Plant in Japan
* Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Views on Promoting Partnership between Business and Politics and Evaluation of Major Parties' Policies (2021)
* Expectations for the Kishida Administration
* Expectations for the Next Rengo President
* Minimum Wage Increases -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Election of LDP President
* Keidanren Summer Forum 2021
* Stock Price Weakness
* Lifting of State of Emergency Declaration and Resumption of Social and Economic Activity
* Mandatory Proof of Vaccination When Entering the US
* China's Application to Join CPTPP
* Greater Labor Market Fluidity -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Proposal on Revitalizing Economic and Social Activity While Living with COVID-19
* Evaluation of Suga Administration and Election of LDP President
* COVID-19 Countermeasures
* Carbon Tax
* Situation in Afghanistan -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* New Strategic Energy Plan
* Minimum Wage
* Japan-South Korea Relations -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Landslide Disaster in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture
* Voluntary Suspension of Keidanren Activities by Mitsubishi Electric Chairman
* Results of Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Election
* Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination
* Minimum Wage
* Building National Resilience -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* Toshiba General Shareholder Meeting
* Nikkei Average
* Crude Oil Prices
* Use of Nuclear Power
* Final Disposal of Nuclear Waste
* Export Controls -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* One Week after Assuming the Office of Keidanren Chairman
* Workplace COVID-19 Vaccination
* Vaccination Passports
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* G7 Finance Ministers Meeting (June 4-5)
* Japan-South Korea Relations -
Chairman Tokura's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference Following the Keidanren Regular General Meeting
* Aspirations
* Emergency Proposal Concerning COVID-19 Vaccination
* Workplace Vaccination
* Building Sustainable Capitalism
* Keidanren Carbon Neutrality Action Plan
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* Vision for Keidanren -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Aspirations for Fiscal 2021
* One Year after the State of Emergency Declaration on April 7, 2020
* Priority Measures to Prevent the Spread of Disease
* Revision of Corporate Governance Code
* Japan-US Summit
* Myanmar Situation
* Children's Agency (tentative name) -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Complete Lifting of State of Emergency Declaration
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* Relations with US and China
* Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant
* Management of Personal Information and Data -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Appointment of Vice Chairs of Keidanren and Vice Chairs of the Board of Councillors
* Keidanren's Proposal on Electricity Policy Toward Realizing Carbon Neutrality by 2050
* Diversity and Inclusion
* Keidanren's Important Policy Issues for the Next Fiscal Year
* Extension of the State of Emergency Declaration -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Extension of the State of Emergency Declaration
* Vaccination
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* Share Prices
* Job-based Hiring
* Remote Work
* Situation in Myanmar
* Carbon Pricing -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* State of Health and This Year's Resolutions
* State of Emergency Declaration
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* Government's Approach to Remote Work
* Pressure on Power Supply -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Carbon Neutrality
* Carbon Pricing
* Draft Budget for Fiscal 2021
* Fiscal Reconstruction
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* Kanji for the Year -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Keidanren's Policy Proposal on Carbon Neutrality
* Sustainable Finance
* Energy Mix
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Negotiations
* COVID-19 Countermeasures
* Co-payments for the Latter-stage Elderly
* Employment through Reassignment/Work-sharing
* Additional Cost Burden of Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* Chairman's State of Health -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Chairman's State of Health
* Keidanren's New Growth Strategy
* Expectations of the New US Administration
* Energy Policy
* Fields for Investment
* Third Supplementary Budget of Fiscal 2020
* Science Council of Japan -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Chairman's State of Health and Future Press Conferences
* Reform of Regulations and Systems
* Keidanren's New Growth Strategy
* Keidanren's 2020 Policy Evaluation
* Balancing COVID-19 Countermeasures with Business Activity
* Tokyo Stock Exchange System Failure
* Employment Measures
* Japan's Relations with the US and China
* US Presidential Election -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Chairman's State of Health
* Hopes for the New Cabinet
* Evaluation of Abe Administration
* Snap Election
* Newly-merged Opposition Party
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Negotiations
* Japan's Policy Toward China
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Energy Policy
* Work Style Reform
* Response to COVID-19
* Building National Resilience
* Re-election of Tokyo Governor, Yuriko Koike -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recommencing Economic Activity
* "My Number" Personal ID System
* Honebuto Policy 2020 and Growth Strategy
* Suspension of Nonimmigrant Visas by the United States
* Black Lives Matter -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Challenge Zero
* Recommencing Economic Activity
* Economic Situation
* Second Draft Supplementary Budget for Fiscal 2020
* Responses to Social Change Stemming from COVID-19
* US-China Friction
* Japan-UK EPA -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference Following the Keidanren Regular General Meeting
* Preventing the Spread of COVID-19
* Economic and Employment Measures
* Responding to Anti-Globalism
* South Korea's Reopening of WTO Complaint -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Lifting of Nationwide State of Emergency
* Building a New Society
* Job-hunting and Recruitment
* Start of Schoolyear in September -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Digital Transformation
* Lifting of State of Emergency
* Additional Economic Stimulation Measures
* Guidelines on the Prevention of Novel Coronavirus Infection
* Start of Schoolyear in September
* Revised Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Stay Home
* State of Emergency Declaration
* Economic and Financial Measures
* Use of Internal Reserves
* International Collaboration
* After COVID-19
* "My Number" Personal ID System -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Council on COVID-19
* Recruitment and Selection Taking Account of COVID-19 Responses
* State of Emergency Declaration
* Emergency Economic Measures
* Preventing COVID-19 Infection -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Postponement of Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* COVID-19: Impact and Response
* Gift Scandal at Kansai Electric -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Novel Coronavirus: Impact and Response
* Announcement of Vice Chair Candidates and Vice Chair Candidates of the Board of Councillors
* Implementation of Society 5.0
* Post-Earthquake Reconstruction
* Energy Issues -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* New Coronavirus: Impact and Response
* Regulation of Foreign Investment under the Revised Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* B7 Washington Summit
* New Coronavirus (COVID-19)
* Society 5.0 and Industry 4.0
* Internships
* US Presidential Election
* Japanese Manufacturing -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* New Coronavirus
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Negotiations
* SMEs
* Digital Transformation
* WEF in Davos
* Japan-UK FTA Talks -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Digital Transformation
* Restructuring Profitable Companies
* US-China Economic Relations
* Reinforcement of US Export Controls and Overseas Investment Rules
* US-Iran Relations
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Negotiations -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Draft Budget for FY2020 and Fiscal Management in the Years to Come
* Suspension of Stock Lending by Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF)
* Employment
* Relations between Japan and South Korea
* Economic Relations between Japan and Iran
* Kanji of the Year -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Challenge Zero
* Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* The Japanese Economy: Current Conditions and Future Outlook
* Open Innovation Tax System
* Retained Earnings
* Doctoral Degree Recipients
* Stakeholder Capitalism
* The Cherry Blossom Party -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Request from Kansai Electric Power
* Economic Situation
* Minutes of the Planning Meeting on a Social Security System Oriented to All Generations (September 20)
* Evaluation of the Abe Administration
* Climate Change Measures
* Encouraging Older People to Work
* Japan-South Korea Relations
* Healthcare Reforms
* Investment in New Technology -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Typhoon Hagibis of 2019
* Regional Revitalization
* Regulation in the Digital Domain
* Brexit
* Natural Disaster Preparedness
* University Education Reforms and Recruitment
* Japan-South Korea Relations -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Gift Scandal at Kansai Electric
* Impact of Consumption Tax Rise
* Inaugural "Keidanren Innovation Crossing" (KIX) Networking Event
* Indexes of Business Conditions (August Preliminary Figures)
* Digital Transformation
* Digital Tax -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Typhoon No. 15 of 2019
* Climate Change and Energy Issues
* Japan-US Trade Talks
* Social Security Reform
* Consumption Tax Rise
* Fiscal Stimulus
* Japan-South Korea Relations -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Keidanren Policy Priorities
* Japanese Economy
* Energy Policy
* Regional Revitalization
* Keidanren Committee on Management and Labor Policy
* Japan-South Korea Relations
* Brexit -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Quarterly Estimates of GDP for January-March 2019
* Consumption Tax Rise
* Minimum Wage Rises
* Convenience Store Food Disposal
* Addition of Huawei to US Export Control List
* Stronger US Controls on Sensitive Technologies -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Hike of US Punitive Tariffs on China
* Japan-US Trade Agreement Talks
* Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) Policy on Timeframe for Construction of Facilities for Measures against Acts of Terrorism
* Consumption Tax Rise
* Lifetime Employment -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Cybersecurity
* Interim Summary of Discussion in the Industry-Academia Council on the Future of Recruitment and University Education
* Results of House of Representatives By-Elections
* Automotive Accidents Involving Elderly Drivers
* The Future of Nuclear Power Generation
* HR Systems
* Corporate Governance -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Social Security System
* Prospects for US-China Talks
* Electricity Policy
* Issues with 24-Hour Operation of Convenience Stores
* Osaka Gubernatorial and Mayoral Elections -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic Situation
* Consumption Tax Increase
* Electricity Policy
* Issues with 24-Hour Operation of Convenience Stores
* Premium Friday
* SME Policy
* Recruitment and Selection
* Brexit -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Vice Chair Candidates for the Board of Councillors
* Post-Earthquake Rebuilding
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Energy Issues
* Labor Shortages
* International Linear Collider (ILC)
* Brexit
* Japan-South Korea Relations -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Energy Issues
* Rebuilding from the Great East Japan Earthquake
* International Linear Collider (ILC)
* Recruitment and Selection
* B20
* Japan-US Trade Talks
* Futenma Airbase -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Announcement of Vice Chair Candidates
* Companies Act
* B20
* Friction between the US and China
* Erroneous Statistics
* Inappropriate Social Media Postings by Employees -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Energy Issues
* Dialogue with Universities
* Monthly Labor Survey
* Japan-EU EPA
* Davos Meeting -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Energy Issues
* Cyber Security
* Companies Act -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Society 5.0
* Spring labor-management wage dialogues
* The Issue with the Japan Investment Corporation
* Global warming
* Executive compensation and its disclosure -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Education Reform
* International Linear Collider
* Quality-Related Problems in Companies
* G20
* Six Months into My Term as Chairman -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Acceptance of Foreign Workers
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Employment of Older Persons
* Trade Friction between the United States and China
* Education-Related Issues
* Bringing Expo 2025 to Osaka -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Society 5.0
* Corporate Governance
* Regulations concerning Data
* Quality Issues
* Recycling of Plastics
* Japan-South Korea Relations
* US Sanctions on Iran
* Revision of Membership Eligibility Rules -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Welcoming Foreign Workers
* Consumption Tax Increase
* Japan-US Business Conference
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Policy on Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates
* Building a Stronger Relationship with Politics and Evaluating Policy
* Employment of Older Persons
* Energy Mix -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates
* University Reforms
* US-China Trade
* Japan-US Economic Relations
* Election of LDP President
* Brexit
* Welcoming Foreign Workers -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Policy for Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates
* Economic Situation
* Employment of People with Disabilities
* Summer Time
* Welcoming Foreign Workers
* Election of LDP President
* NAFTA Renegotiations
* US Trade Policy
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Damage from Torrential Rains in Western Japan
* The Conference on Co-Creation of Society 5.0
* The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
* Responding to Section 232 of the U.S. Trade Expansion Act
* Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement
* Issues in Quality Control -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Working Style Reform/New Working System for Advanced Professionals
* Corporate Governance
* Integrated Resorts
* Decommissioning of the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant
* Japan-US Relations
* Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)
* Northern Osaka Earthquake -
Chairman Nakanishi's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* G7 Summit
* Japan-US Economic Relations
* Trade Issues
* US-North Korea Summit
* Niigata Gubernatorial Election
* University Reforms
* Welcoming More Foreign Workers -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Looking Back on Four Years as Chairman
* Working Style Reform
* The Relationship between Business and Politics -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Keidanren Vision
* Monetary Policy
* Corporate Advisers
* Hopes for the Japan-China-South Korea Summit
* Japan-China Relations
* Japan-South Korea Relations
* North Korean Issue
* Situation in the Diet -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Trade Issues with the US
* Protecting and Promoting the Content Industry
* Companies Act
* North Korean Issue
* Ministry of Finance Scandals -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Trade Issues
* Expectations for BoJ Governor Kuroda's Second Term
* Working Style Reform
* Government Scandals
* Corporate Advisers
* North Korean Situation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* US Trade Policy
* Moritomo Gakuen Scandal
* Constitutional Reform -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Announcement of Vice Chair Candidates for the Board of Councillors
* Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* North Korean Issue
* Moritomo Gakuen Scandal -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Bill on Working Style Reform
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Quality Control Problems
* Pyeongchang Winter Olympics -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Announcement of Vice Chair Candidates
* Economic Situation
* Revision of the Companies Act
* Premium Friday
* Japan-US Relations
* North Korean Situation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Rectifying Long Working Hours
* Exemption of Highly Skilled Workers from Job Performance Evaluation based on Working Hours
* Bank of Japan 2% Inflation Target
* Expectations for the Diet Session
* Osaka World Expo Bid -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Provisional Nomination of Candidates for Next Keidanren Chairman and Chairman of the Board of Councillors
* One Year on from President Trump's Inauguration -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Secondary Employment and Side Jobs
* U.S. Corporate Tax Reform
* Suspension of Operation at Ikata No. 3 Nuclear Reactor
* Issue Regarding Construction Work for the Chuo Shinkansen Bullet Train
* One Belt One Road Initiative -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Response to Quality Control Irregularities
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Request for Increased Corporate Contributions to Childcare Policy
* Tax Reform
* U.S. Corporate Tax Reform
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Corporate Contributions to Childcare Policy
* Tax Reform
* Restarting the Nuclear Power Plants
* Corporate Scandals
* 1997 Financial Crisis -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Revision of the Charter of Corporate Behavior
* Corporates' Contributions to Childcare Policy
* Economic Situation
* Corporate tax system
* Trans-Pacific Partnership
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Results of the House of Representatives Election
* Evaluation of Policies
* Economic Situation
* Revival of the Tohoku Region
* Premium Friday
* Japan-US Relations
* Constitutional Reform
* Corporate Scandals -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* House of Representatives Election
* Retained Earnings
* TPP 11
* Japan-U.S. Relations
* Revision of the Charter of Corporate Behavior
* Evaluation of Political Parties' Policies
* Corporate Scandals -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Snap Election
* Consumption Tax Increase and Fiscal Consolidation
* Appraising Abenomics
* Bill on Working Style Reform
* The Relationship between Business and Politics
* Party of Hope
* Moritomo Gakuen/Kake Gakuen Scandals
* Constitutional Issues -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Rebuilding from the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Children's Insurance
* Restarting the Nuclear Power Plants
* Premium Friday
* University Reform
* Japan-Republic of Korea Relations
* North Korean Issue -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference Following the Keidanren Summer Forum
* Summer Forum Round-up
* Fiscal Restructuring and Economic Revitalization
* Addressing Disparities
* The Political Situation
* Constitutional Issues -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Heavy Rains in Northern Kyushu
* Consumption Tax Increase
* Education-Related Issues
* G20
* Relations with China and the Republic of Korea (ROK)
* Constitutional Issues
* The Political Situation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* EU-Japan EPA Negotiations
* Nuclear Energy Policy
* Cabinet Approval Ratings
* Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
* Corporate Governance
* Minimum Wage
* Takata Bankruptcy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Fiscal Restructuring
* US Withdrawal from Paris Agreement
* Education Policy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Sources of Financing for Education
* Fiscal Restructuring
* Work Holiday Diversification
* Trans-Pacific Partnership
* Japan-China Relations
* Constitutional Issues -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* French Presidential Election
* Constitutional Reform
* Ending Deflation
* Trans-Pacific Partnership
* Economic Diplomacy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Japan-US Economic Dialogue
* International Developments
* Olympic and Paralympic Games
* Osaka World Expo Bid
* Expert Panel on Reducing the Burdens of Official Duties on the Emperor
* Celebrating Keidanren's 70th Anniversary -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates
* Population Issues
* Brexit
* Japan-US Relations
* The Situation in Syria and Japan-Russia Relations
* Japan-Republic of Korea Relations
* Toshiba Semiconductor Business
* New Leadership for Tokyo Electric Power Company -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Working Style Reform
* Views on the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting and the B7 Rome Summit -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Rebuilding from the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Economic Situation
* Working Style Reform
* Premium Friday
* Japan-US Relations
* Ballistic Missile Launch by North Korea
* Announcement of Vice Chair Candidates for the Board of Councillors -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Premium Friday
* Working Style Reform
* Japan-US Relations
* The Toshiba Issue -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Hopes for Japan-US Leaders' Meeting
* Economic Situation
* Osaka World Expo Bid
* Announcement of Vice Chair Candidates -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* New Trump Administration
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Working Style Reform -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Secondary Employment and Side Jobs
* Japan-US Relation
* Japan-Republic of Korea Relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Looking Back over 2016
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Budget-setting for Next Fiscal Year
* Monetary Policy
* Working Style Reform
* Cabinet Approval Ratings
* Japan-Russia Relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Social Security Reform
* Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates
* Equal Pay for Equal Work
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics Venues
* Osaka World Expo
* Integrated Resorts Promotion Bill
* Results of Italian Referendum
* Japan-US Economic Relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Trans-Pacific Partnership
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Measures to Stimulate Consumption
* Facilitating Employment of Workers from Overseas
* Keidanren Delegation to the United States
* Japan-Russia Relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Dialogues
* Working Style Reform and Work-Life Balance
* Corporate Internal Reserves
* Trans-Pacific Partnership
* US Presidential Election
* Japan-Russia Economic Relations
* Political Turmoil in the Republic of Korea -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Measures to Stimulate Consumption
* BOJ Monetary Policy
* Reconsideration of Economic Statistics
* Reform of Nursing Care Insurance Scheme
* Spring Labor-Management Wage Talks
* Working Style Reform
* Spousal Tax Exemption
* Energy and Global Warming
* Japan-Philippines Relations
* Constitutional Reform -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Business and Politics
* Japan-Republic of Korea Relations
* Economic Policy
* Overproduction in China
* Japan-Russia Economic Relations
* Paris Agreement -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Working Style Reform
* Priorities of the Extraordinary Diet Session
* New System for White Collar Workers Which Values Performance Instead of Hours Worked
* Monetary Policy of the Bank of Japan
* Monju Fast-Breeder Reactor
* Establishment of Committee on TEPCO Reform and Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
* Relocation to the Toyosu Fish Market -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recruitment of New College Graduates
* Council on Investment for the Future
* Corporate Internal Reserves
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference Following the Keidanren Summer Forum
* Summer Forum Round-up
* Economic Policy
* Society 5.0
* Energizing Regional Economies
* Economic Partnerships -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Upper House Elections
* Economic Policy
* Constitutional Revision
* Social Security Reform
* Sendai Nuclear Power Plant
* Recruitment of New College Graduates
* Terrorist Attack in Bangladesh
* Rio de Janeiro Olympic and Paralympic Games -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Britain's Withdrawal from the EU (Brexit)
* The Importance of Globalization
* Economic Policy
* Exchange Rates
* Policy Priorities -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Britain's Withdrawal from the EU (Brexit)
* Monetary Policy
* Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates
* Upper House Elections
* Immigration Policy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Challenges for My Third Year as Chairman of Keidanren
* Re-postponement of the Consumption Tax Increase
* Fiscal Consolidation
* Economic Situation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* G7 Ise-Shima Summit
* Consumption Tax Increase
* Economic Growth Strategy
* Fiscal Investment
* Recruitment and Employment of New College Graduates -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Exchange Rate
* G7 Ise-Shima Summit
* U.S. Presidential Election
* Japan-Russia Relations
* Acceptance of Foreign Human Resources
* Panama Papers and Tax Evasion
* Corporate Governance
* International Bids for the Joint Development
of the Next-Generation Submarines of Australia -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Monetary Policy
* Equal Pay for Equal Work
* Consumption Tax Increase
* Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
* Constitutional Revision
* Mitsubishi Motors Corporation's Improper Conduct in Fuel Consumption Testing -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Consumption Tax Increase
* Spring Labor-Management Dialogue
* Bank of Japan Tankan (Short-Term Economic Survey)
* Monetary Policy
* Japan-China Relations
* Security Legislation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Consumption tax hike
* Economic pump-priming measures
* Monetary policy
* Spring labor-management wage talks
* Relocation of gov't organs to regions
* Injunction on Takahama nuclear reactors -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Appointment of new vice chairs of Board of Councillors
* Post-disaster restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Spring labor-management wage talks
* Consumption tax hike
* Equal pay for equal work
* Japan-China relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic situation
* Equal pay for equal work
* Recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* Corporate tax incentives
* Restart of nuclear power plants
* Brexit
* Issues over ruling party members
* Merger between DPJ, Japan Innovation Party -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Appointment of new vice chairs
* Negative interest rate
* Real wages
* Equal pay for equal work
* Correction of uneven local corporate taxation
* Prevention of outflow of technologies to other countries
* Political funds
* Lower house electoral reform
* Missile launch by North Korea -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic situation
* Spring labor-management wage talks
* Funding source for childrearing support
* Japan-China relations
* Japan-South Korea currency swap pact -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recognition of the economic situation
* Wage increase
* Exit from deflation
* Support for SMEs
* Expectations for Abe administration -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Fiscal 2016 budget, fiscal consolidation
* BOJ's supplementary credit easing
* Expansion of domestic fixed investment
* Business restructuring
* Lower tax rate
* ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
* Defense budget
* Acquittal of Sankei's ex-Seoul bureau chief -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Wage increase
* Recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* Corporate tax reform
* Issue of non-regular employment
* Minimum wage
* Political donations
* Mission to India -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Capital investment
* Wage increase
* Companies' retained earnings
* Understanding of the current state of the economy
* Reduce burden of consumption tax hike
* Infrastructure exports
* Political donations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* Public-private dialogue
* Supplementary budget
* Corporate ethics
* Measure to reduce burden of rise in consumption tax -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* Measure to decrease burden arising from rise in consumption tax
* Spring management-labor negotiations
* National council to promote dynamic engagement of all citizens
* Japan-China relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Requests to new Cabinet
* Assessment of political party policies
* Companies' retained earnings
* Corporate tax
* Consumption tax
* Exporting infrastructure
* Chinese economy
* Japan-Iran relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* New three arrows of Abenomics
* Economic situation and economic measures
* Measure to decrease burden arising from increase in consumption tax
* Recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* Political donations
* Security legislation
* Overseas transfer of defense equipment -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic situation
* Reduced consumption tax rates
* Recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* Labor legislation
* LDP presidential election
* Security legislation
* Toshiba's accounting scandal -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Greek debt crisis
* Mission to the United States -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Mission to the United States
* Japan-Republic of Korea relations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic situation
* G7 -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Situation of Japanese economy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Restoring fiscal health
* Security legislation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* TPP negotiations -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Energy, and global warming
* Wage increases
* Mission to Indonesia -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Passing of former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew
* Japan-China-S. Korea foreign ministers meeting -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Economic Situation in Japan -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* Civil Code Reform -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* New Keidanren officer candidates
* Reform of Japan's agricultural cooperatives -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Regular Diet Session
* The European Economy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Fiscal Soundness -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* The Japanese economy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Energy issue
* Regional revitalization -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic Situation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Postponement of consumption tax raise
* Abenomics -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* The Japan-China summit
* The tax system -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations
* Worker dispatching Act Amendment -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* The Japanese economy
* Promotion of Women's Active Participation -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Government-Labor-Management Meeting
* Business delegation to China -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Relationship with Politics
* The Japanese Economy -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Fight global warming
* Revival of Tohoku -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* Policy dialogue with foreign political and business leaders -
Chairman Sakakibara's Statements and Comments at His Press Conference
* The passing of His Imperial Highness Prince Katsura
* The Economic Outlook
* Effective Corporate Tax Rate Cut -
Chairman Yonekura's Comments at His Press Conference
* Looking Back on 4 Years as Chairman -
Chairman Yonekura's Comments at His Press Conference
* Economic Outlook -
Chairman Yonekura's Comments at His Press Conference
* TPP Negotiations -
Chairman Yonekura's Comments at His Press Conference
* Broad Accord on Japan-Australia EPA
* Economic Outlook -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Japan-US-ROK Summit
* Impact of the Consumption Tax Hike -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake
* Downward revision of real GDP growth rate for the October-December quarter -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Sochi Olympics
* G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Decline of Japan's Current Account Surplus -
Comments of Chairman Yonekura and Chairman Candidate Sakakibara at their joint Press Conference
* Chairman Yonekura's comment
* Chairman Candidate Sakakibara's comment -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Candidate for the Next Keidanren Chairman -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Outlook for the Japanese economy in 2014 -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Prices
* Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* Wrap-up of 2013 -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Japanese economy
* Trade deficit
* U.S. economy -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* New Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target
* Ambassador Kennedy -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Visit to China
* Energy Policy and Global Warming -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Typhoon Disaster on Izu Oshima Island -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Positive Cycle of the Economy -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Effective Corporate Tax Rate
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* The 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics
* Economic Climate and Consumption Tax -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Keidanren's charter of corporate ethics on recruitment and employment of new college graduates
* New nuclear safety standards -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly election
* Enactment of bill to revise the electoral districts for House of Representatives members elected from single-seat constituencies -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Growth Strategy
* Investment Tax Credit -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Iron determination to revitalize Japan -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Growth strategy
* Long-term interest rates -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Depreciation of the yen
* Visit to the Middle East -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Meeting by G20 finance chiefs and high stock prices
* Joining the TPP talks -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* First 100 days of PM Abe's Cabinet
* Recruiting period for university students -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Japan-EU EPA
* Japan-China Relations -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Japan-U.S. Summit Meeting
* Republic of Korea's New President -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Nuclear Test by North Korea
* Departure from Deflation and Pay Rise -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Fiscal 2013 Economic Forecast raised by the Cabinet
* Mekong Region Development Mission -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Emergency Economic Measures
* Politics Now -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Expectations for the Abe Administration
* Economic Outlook -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* How to restore the Japanese economy and save people -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Expectations for General Election
* TPP -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Monetary Policy
* Relationship with Politics -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Japanese Economy -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Expectations for political leaders -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Prof. Yamanaka's winning of Nobel Prize
* Annual Meetings of IMF and World Bank Group -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Expectations for ruling and opposition parties' leadership race
* Mid-/long-term energy policies -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Proposal on the Tohoku Reconstruction
* Feed-in Tariff Scheme for Renewable Energy -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Vote on Comprehensive Social Security and Tax Reform Bills
* Trans-Pacific Partnership Talks -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Restart of Ohi Nuclear Power Plant
* European Sovereign Debt Crisis -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Keidanren's priority -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* G8 Summit
* Re-election in Greece
* Prospect for corporate performance
* Introduction of autumn enrollment and so-called "gap term" at the University of Tokyo -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Results of the French presidential and the Greek parliamentary elections
* Points-based preferential immigration treatment for highly skilled foreign professionals
* FTA between Japan-China and ROK -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* European Sovereign Debt Crisis
* Economic Relationship with Myanmar -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Ohi nuclear reactor restart
* The Japanese economy
* North Korea's planned rocket launch -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* The Japanese Economy
* Tokyo Electric Power Company Management -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Keidanren's Mission to ASEAN countries
* The Japanese Economy -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Japanese Economy
* Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy
* AIJ Asset Fraud -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* GDP in the Fourth Quarter
* Management of TEPCO
* Liaison Office in China -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* Annual Spring Labor-Management Negotiations
* Growth Strategy
* Fall Enrolment in Universities and Colleges
* Trade Deficit -
Chairman Yonekura's comments at his Press Conference
* European Sovereign Debt Crisis
* Comprehensive Reform of Fiscal, Tax and Social Security System
* Decrease of Crude Oil Imports from Iran